Early Late Nights
Ciaran Marchant streamed live to Twitch audiences twice a week with the latest in gaming news, with a particular focus in esports. The show ran for a total of 73 episodes. First Episode: 06/03/2018 Final Episode: 13/03/2019 Original show description: Join Ciaran Marchant as he dives into the latest esports news, results and shenanigans galore.

Saturday Jul 14, 2018
Saturday Jul 14, 2018
This week Early Late Nights brings you the latest gaming news as well as
some dungeon advise.

Saturday Jul 07, 2018

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Early Late Nights comes to you once again live from Shepparton, Victoria to
bring you the latest news & spontaneous thoughts from its host.

Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
On this edition of Early Late Night your host, "the internet's favourite
trophy hunter" Ciaran brings you his thoughts on the Awesome Adventures of
Captain Spirit, Overwatch's recent character announcement, Player Unknowns
recent woes and the Lootbox enquiry that will begin in Australia shortly

Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Early Late Nights Returns and the show has busted back into the light
refreshed and renewed. On this show Telltale Changes its Engine, the
eSports Wrap Up & the Summer Games Done Quick is in full swing.

Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Welcome to Early Late Nights, the show that is late enough to get you into that juicy news, but early enough you don’t have to stay up on a school night. Join Dylan Blight as he dives into the latest games news, eSports stories and shenanigans galore live at 6:30 PM AST at https://twitch.tv/explosionnetworkAvailable on Youtube and Twitch14/06/18The 'Today Show' in Australia has aired a slanderous, disgusting segment this week linking video games to real life. Dylan is here to shut these ridiculous claims down. And with actual facts!E3 2018 wrap up time as the week draws to a close. It's time to rank the presentations from everyone (excluding the PC and Devolver one.)Today's stories are from:Fixed Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287643631_Overstated_Evidence_for_Short-Term_Effects_of_Violent_Games_on_Affect_and_Behavior_A_Reanalysis_of_Anderson_et_al_2010TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktsFcooIG8Explosion Network E3:https://explosionnetwork.com/e32018/Writer & Host: Dylan BlightMusic and Production: Dylan Blight -- https://twitter.com/vivaladilEmail: www.pleasureexplosion.com/contactAll Episodes:https://explosionnetwork.com/early-late-nights-1EN TwitteriTunesYoutube

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Welcome to Early Late Nights, the show that is late enough to get you into that juicy news, but early enough you don’t have to stay up on a school night. Join Dylan Blight as he dives into the latest games news, eSports stories and shenanigans galore live at 6:30 PM AST at https://twitch.tv/explosionnetwork Available on Youtube and Twitch12/06/18Dylan has taken over Early Late Night while Ciaran is on holidays... or is it something more than holidays?Starting with the negative, Dylan breaks down Valve's comments about Steam and what they'll allow on their platform before moving onto the happier (somewhat) subject of E3 2018.What is your top five NEWLY announced games from E3 this year? Dylan lists his five, with some sly conditions and explanations on top of them.Today's stories are from:Kotaku Steam: https://www.kotaku.com.au/2018/06/valve-says-it-will-now-allow-everything-on-steam-unless-its-illegal-or-straight-up-trolling/Kotaku Anime Game: https://www.kotaku.com.au/2018/05/valves-inconsistent-rules-on-sexy-steam-games-continue-to-baffle-devs/Hosted and Written by Dylan Blight: https://twitter.com/vivaladilMusic and Production by Dylan Blight: https://twitter.com/vivaladilEmail: www.pleasureexplosion.com/contactAll Episodes:https://explosionnetwork.com/early-late-nights-1EN TwitteriTunesYoutube

Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Early Late Nights goes off script.... Yeah I know as if this show has a
script. Ciaran goes through the E3 Conference line up, breaking down what
he wants to see from each show, any rumors and the latest news coming from
each one. Stay tuned till the end of the show to hear the Early Late Nights
E3 Special Announcement.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Early Late Nights goes to War! Ciaran will not stand for comments that NBN
CO's CEO recently made about gamers and calls you to his side.

Saturday Jun 02, 2018