Friday Jun 15, 2018
E3 2018 Ranked - Early Late Nights 14/06/18
Welcome to Early Late Nights, the show that is late enough to get you into that juicy news, but early enough you don’t have to stay up on a school night. Join Dylan Blight as he dives into the latest games news, eSports stories and shenanigans galore live at 6:30 PM AST at https://twitch.tv/explosionnetwork
Available on Youtube and Twitch
The 'Today Show' in Australia has aired a slanderous, disgusting segment this week linking video games to real life. Dylan is here to shut these ridiculous claims down. And with actual facts!
E3 2018 wrap up time as the week draws to a close. It's time to rank the presentations from everyone (excluding the PC and Devolver one.)
Today's stories are from:
Fixed Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287643631_Overstated_Evidence_for_Short-Term_Effects_of_Violent_Games_on_Affect_and_Behavior_A_Reanalysis_of_Anderson_et_al_2010
TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktsFcooIG8
Explosion Network E3:
Writer & Host: Dylan Blight
Music and Production: Dylan Blight -- https://twitter.com/vivaladil
Email: www.pleasureexplosion.com/contact
All Episodes: